Topprofiler diskuterer bæredygtige løsninger i global skala på MIPIM 2024 i Cannes.


Et internationalt sammensat panel på MIPIM, verdens største ejendomskonference, vil diskutere, hvordan vi sammen kan bane vejen for en global grøn omstilling.

I Palais des Festivals i Cannes vil ”Global Solutions”-sessionen på MIPIM samle eksperter og tankeledere på tværs af faglige discipliner, som vil dele deres indsigter i handlingsorienterede strategier for at navigere i de udfordringer, klimaændringerne stiller inden for det byggede miljø.

I spidsen for dette års diskussion er Hélène Chartier, anerkendt direktør for programmet for Sustainable Urban Planning and Architecture hos C40. Hélène vil dele ekspertindsigt og analyser fra sit arbejde med storbyer, der imødegår og tilpasser sig klimaudfordringer nu og i fremtiden.

Hélène Chartier udtaler: 
”As cities stand on the frontline of the climate crisis, the urgency to transition to sustainable urban planning and architecture has never been more critical. At C40, we are committed to driving this transformation, harnessing the collective power of the world’s leading cities to implement resilient climate solutions. In my presentation at MIPIM’s Global Solutions session, I will share the latest data on climate adaptation as well as tangible actions that cities like Copenhagen and Paris are implementing. These examples highlight the innovative pathways cities are pursuing to not only confront the climate crisis but also thrive in the face of environmental challenges. Together, we can lay the foundation for a global green transition, one that ensures our urban spaces are sustainable, resilient, and inclusive for all.”

Global Sulotions-sessionen introducerer desuden det danske partnerskab bag Reduction Roadmap, repræsenteret af Sinus Lynge, Effekt, Steffen Maagaard, Artelia Group, og Mikkel Schlesinger, CEBRA, og netværkets tilgang til potentielle løsninger og forretningsmodeller, som kan bane vejen for en global grøn omstilling.

Victoria Burrows fra Kompas VC og tidligere direktør for Advancing Net Zero hos World Green Building Council deler også sine indsigter i panelet. Victoria vil bl.a. kaste lys over risikokapitalens rolle i den grønne omstilling. Panelet vil blive modereret af Michael Ambjørn, CEO hos PropTech Denmark. Ambitionen for Global Solutions på MIPIM 2024 er at være katalysator for meningsfuld forandring og bidrage til at lægge grundlaget for en bæredygtig fremtid.

Tilmeld dig ventelisten til begivenheden, som finder sted den 13. marts i Palais des Festivals og er et samarbejde mellem Byggesocietetet, Byens Netværk, Danske Arkitektvirksomheder og PropTech Denmark. Læs mere om programmet og paneldeltagerne hereunder.

Hélène Chartier, Director of Urban Planning and Design, C40

As leader of the Sustainable Urban Planning and Architecture program at C40, Hélène Chartier has profound insights into green transition at the scale of cities. Héléne was an advisor to the Mayor of Paris and has also previously worked for the Paris Urbanism Agency. 

With a Master’s degree in Science and Engineering from Ecole Centrale, she has specialised in building and civil engineering. 

Victoria Burrows, Portfolio Development and Industry Partnerships, Kompas VC

Victoria Burrows has dedicated her career to radically improving the sustainability of the built environment. As director of Advancing Net Zero at the World Building Council, Victoria was responsible for a pioneering global programme to accelerate total decarbonisation of the sector by 2050. She holds a degree in Architecture and Environmental Design and co-authored the book ‘A Whole System Approach to High-Performance Green Buildings’.

Mikkel Schlesinger, Architect and partner at CEBRA, Reduction Roadmap

For more than 20 years, Mikkel Schlesinger has been designing and building in Denmark and internationally. Leading award-winning projects for CEBRA, such as the sustainable city Nye and Qasr Al Hosn, Experimentarium and the Iceberg. Mikkel is also a co-creator of the Reduction Roadmap – a framework to translate the Paris Agreement and the Planetary Boundary for Climate Change into ambitious industry-specific reduction targets for the building sector. 

Sinus Lynge, Architect and partner at Effekt, Reduction Roadmap

Since EFFEKT was founded in 2007, Sinus has led national and international projects within urban planning, architecture, urban spaces, and innovative, sustainable strategies and concepts for future living, with a centre around social coherence and vibrant city life, as well as intelligent solutions to energy consumption and sustainability.

Steffen Maagaard, Group Competency Manager at Artelia, Reduction Roadmap

With a background as a civil engineer, Steffen has years of experience in working towards a more sustainable way of constructing and building in the future. Artelia seeks to contribute to achieving the global ambitions for sustainable development. Artelia also advises on the UN Sustainable Development Goals and on how the potential for sustainability is best realised in the project. 

Global Solutions: How may we lay the path for a global green transition?

Hvor: Salon Croisette, P3, Palais des Festivals

Hvornår: 13. marts kl. 11:00-12:00

Arrangører: Byggesocietetet, Byens Netværk, PropTech Denmark og Danske Arkitektvirksomheder.

11:05: Velkommen til Global Solutions moderator Michael Ambjørn, CEO, PropTech Denmark

11:10: Keynote by Hélène Chartier: Tangible transition and action at the scale of cities Hélène Chartier er leder af programmet for Bæredygtig Byplanlægning og Arkitektur hos C40, det globale netværk af næsten 100 borgmestre fra verdens førende byer.

11:25: Præsentation af Reduction Roadmap-partnerskabet: Sinus Lynge, Arkitekt og partner, Effekt Steffen Maagaard, Kompetencegruppeleder, Artelia Group Mikkel Schlesinger, Arkitekt og partner, CEBRA

11.40: Internationalt panel: How may companies and proptech solutions lay the path for a global green transition? Hélène Chartier, Director of Urban Planning and Design, C40, Victoria Burrows, Portfolio Development and Industry Partnerships, Kompas VC, Mikkel Schlesinger, Reduction Roadmap, Arkitekt og partner hos CEBRA

Moderator: Michael Ambjørn, CEO, PropTech Denmark

12:15: Tak - netværkssession værtet af VELUX

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